meaning in urdu

For You Meaning in Urdu – Complete Definition For you meaning in urdu

Meaning of For you

For You meaning in Urdu is آپ کے لئے . Way to express For You in roman Urdu is “Ap k Leye” and Translation of For You in Urdu composing content is آپ کے لئے .



for you meaning in urdu


For You Meaning in Urdu

Use the online English to Urdu word reference to check the Urdu meaning of English word. Individuals frequently need to decipher English words or expressions into Urdu. Notwithstanding it, the information about the birthplace, articulation, and equivalents of a word permits them to discover comparative words or expressions. Here you can check all definitions and implications of For You. Notwithstanding, it will permit you to gain proficiency with the suitable utilization of For You in a sentence. The model sentences expect a respectable part in such way.

In the period of computerized correspondence, any individual ought to learn and comprehend different dialects for better correspondence. In the front line world, there is a basic prerequisite for people who can pass on in different vernaculars. Notwithstanding, an individual feel better to convey in the event that he/she has adequate jargon.

Examples :  I am waiting for you

This is good for you


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