meaning in urdu

What is your name meaning in Urdu – What is your name in Urdu

 What is your name meaning in Urdu is آپ کا نام کیا ہے . Way to express What Is Your Name in roman Urdu is “ Ap ka naam kia hai “” and Translation of What is your name in Urdu composing content is  آپ کا نام کیا ہے


what is your name meaning in urdu


What is you name meaning in urdu

Use the online English to Urdu word reference to check the Urdu significance of English word. Individuals regularly need to interpret English words or expressions into Urdu. Notwithstanding it, the information about the root, articulation, and equivalents of a word permits them to discover comparative words or expressions. Here you can check all definitions and implications of What is your Name. Notwithstanding, it will permit you to get familiar with the suitable utilization of What Is Your Name in a sentence. The model sentences assume a decent job in such manner.

In the time of computerized correspondence, any individual ought to learn and comprehend various dialects for better correspondence and the cutting edge world, there is a desperate requirement for individuals who can convey in various dialects. In any case, an individual feels better to convey on the off chance that he/she has adequate jargon. Here, you can check What Is Your Name interpretation in both Urdu and Roman Urdu language. Access different word references, for example, English to Arabic, English to French, and English to Hindi to check the What Is Your Name significance in various dialects.

Search implications in Urdu to improve comprehension of the specific situation. You can get more than one importance for single word in Urdu. You have looked through the English word What Is Your Name which implies “” in Urdu.

Example :

He/ she : Hi

Me : Hi, How are and what is your name ?

He/she : Yes sure  , i m Sarah !


Different ways to ask :

What is your name ?

What’s your name ?

May i know your good name ?

Can you share you me your good name ?